Teaching & Engagement

Collagraph Printing, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Collagraph Printing, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford


For the last ten years I have been engaging people with art and creative processes in museums, galleries, prisons, care homes, psychiatric hospitals, hospices, shelters, schools and community centres.

I am an Arts Award Advisor and have British Sign Language Level 2.

Beach Paper Marbling, Towner Gallery, Eastbourne.

Beach Paper Marbling, Towner Gallery, Eastbourne.

Process & Collections

I love teaching and adapting the following processes to suit all abilities: Printmaking; Collagraph, Etching, Embossing, Monoprint, Screenprint, Lino Pint, Book Binding, Ceramics; Agateware, Hand building, Drawing, Life Drawing and Painting.

I believe in making as a way of engaging with museum collections and have experience of creative programme curation, community creative social enterprise and working in partnerships.